Club Information

Address: The Sportsfield, St Flora’s Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 6BD.
Please use the Berry Lane entrance.
Note: There is no postal delivery to the clubhouse and post should be addressed to the secretary.
Berry Lane Gate: The last member to leave please secure the clubhouse and is responsible for closing and padlocking the Berry Lane Gate. New members will be advised of the combination.
Bye-Laws: (a) The game shall be played under the rules of the Croquet Association to which
the Club is affiliated
(b) Players must not commence a second game if others are waiting to play and there is no vacant lawn.
(c) A single player has no standing and must vacate the lawn if the other lawns are occupied and there are members waiting to play.
CASC: The Club was registered as a Community Amateur Sports Club on 11th August 2010.
Club Badges: These are available in the Clubhouse for members to purchase at a cost of £6.00.
Club Weekly
Mondays and Wednesdays, Golf Croquet is played between 2.00 and 4.00pm, on a 'roll-up' basis with a break for Tea and a biscuit about 3.15pm; also, on Saturdays between 10.00 and 12.30pm but refreshments will be ad-hoc between games.
On Thursdays 1.30 - 3.30 Golf Croquet (Handicap play) and, after the tea break, we play SINGLES level play 3.30 - 5.30, also on a 'Roll-Up' basis.
Please sign in on arrival.

When a game is finished the four players must pause before continuing, in order to mix players up.
Refreshments costs for club sessions are included in your subscription

See the CLUB DIARY & FIXTURE LIST for all opportunities to play; both AC and GC.
The Clubhouse: All members have a key to the Clubhouse. The last member to leave is asked to check equipment, chairs, etc, are put away in the hut; cushions and the doormat are in the Clubhouse and the curtains are drawn and the gas is isolated inside the clubhouse. Please ensure both the hut and the Clubhouse are locked.
Coaching: We have two qualified Coaches and Coaching sessions during the season will be displayed on the noticeboards. Individual tuition can also be arranged.
Committee: President - Lilian Holdsworth - Coach
Chairman - Philip Sherwin - Sportsfield Representative
Treasurer - Bob Clark
Secretary - Celia Fastnedge, Social and Sports Forum Representative
Captain - Chrissie Merrington - Handicap Manager & Coach
Committee - Eileen Davies - Fixtures Secretary
                    - Robyn Clark - Club Competition Organiser & Ladder Organiser
                    - Penny Rendell - Minutes Secretary
                    - Wendy Payne - Membership Secretary
                    - David Bartle - Grounds and alternate Sportsfield Representative
                    - Pat Jonker - Housekeeping
                    - Marion Sherwin - Catering Organiser
                    - John Cosier - AC Coach
                    - Barbara Walters - PR

Competitions: Doubles and Singles are played throughout the season.
Please read the events list and notices for details.
Cricket: When Cricket is being played Members are asked to be aware of stray balls and play
at their own risk.
Cups: Dorothy Baker Cup: This is a competition for New/High handicapped members/or most improved player.
Berridge Cup: (Awarded in conjunction with the Thornton Trophy) This cup is awarded to the member at the top of Division 1 of the Ladder at the end of the competition date. Details are displayed in the Clubhouse.
Doubles Cup:The winners of the monthly Doubles Competition go forward to play in the final. This is a Handicap competition and members are paired in a High/Low draw.
St Flora’s Plate: Doubles Knockout competition.
Singles Cup: The winners of the monthly Singles Competition go forward to play in the final. This is a Handicap competition.
Thornton Cup: (Awarded in conjunction with the Berridge Cup) for the member at the top of Division 2 of the Ladder.
Treasurer’s Trophy:Singles Knockout competition.
Margaret Kingdon Cup:Newer Players invitation competition.

The weekly lawn diary (see tab above) gives a detailed for use of the Lawns throughout the week. In particular:- Note the 'Roll-up' sessions Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings. Prospective new members will always find members present during these sessions.

• Members may play Club Competition matches or play by arrangement with other members during “Free” times.
• N.B. Home matches with other Clubs will (in accordance with the Constitution) take precedence over the above but such matches will normally only be scheduled Tuesdays and Fridays.

Dress Code: Flat shoes must be worn at all times. For competitions and club matches whites to be worn.
Expenses: For reimbursement of expenses paid out on behalf of the Club, please submit an Expenses Claim (available in the Clubhouse) to the Treasurer.
Handicaps: Each member must have a handicap and details of how to obtain one are available
in the clubhouse. Handicaps are used on Thursday afternoons and in competitions and
matches. See also “Golf Croquet Laws”.
Hoops: If hoops are loose please DO NOT BANG THEM IN but fill them up with grass cuttings. Also please fill up any holes on the lawns with compost. DO NOT ROCK HOOPS to remove them, please ask a Committee member for assistance.
Mallets and Insurance: The Club provides 'club mallets' for new members, visitors and guests. New members are welcome to use a club mallet free of charge for one season ONLY. After one season most members buy their own mallet but, if you wish to continue to use a club mallet there is a charge of £3 / week payable in advance. This facility is administered by the Membership Secretary and you are kindly asked to make arrangements with him / her before the beginning of your second season.

The Croquet Club insurance does not cover members’ mallets.
Match Fees: We ask for a £2.00 donation for each player for all Club competitions and a Match donation of £3.00 for Friendlies (Home) to be collected by Match Organiser or ‘Captain on the Day.’ Where members are selected to represent the Club, the Club will pay the Entry Fees but where catering is provided the Fees will be split fifty-fifty between the Club and the member.
Notices: Please read the notices in the Clubhouse, particularly those on the table and on the competitions board.
One Ball & AC: This is played on Wednesday mornings for members with Handicap of 8 and less.
Secondary Balls: Lawn Five should be used in preference to taking Secondary Balls.
Social Membership: For ex playing members and spouses, permits the member to play free-of-charge four times during a year for general club play (not competitions).
Tea Rota: There is a rota for Club Afternoons and all members are asked to volunteer to bring along a
pint of milk, make the tea and wash-up.
Visitors: The fee for Visitors is £3.00 and £1.00 for minors including Mallet Hire. Only four visits as a Guest are permitted. Please enter details in book provided.